Belgian cuisine

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Belgium is a nation of Gourmands rather than Gourmets which translates into big cuisine rather than fine cuisine. In reality this means that along with big portions, you get pretty good quality and a kind of unpretentiousness. The word Gourmandise originally meant gluttony, but like in France it has taken over the above meaning. It is often said Belgium serves food with the quantity of Germany and the quality of France.

French fries, called frieten (Flemish) or frites (French) are very popular. The best place to enjoy Belgian frites is at a friture (frituur or informally frietkot in Flemish) which is a temporary construction usually strategically placed in busy squares. Several home and restaurant dishes use typical Belgian beers.

Another Belgian speciality is beer. Although a comparatively small country, there are a large number of beers available in a range of different styles. Almost every different beer has its own unique drinking vessel, usually a glass of some description. Belgium is also well known for its waffles, usually eaten a street snack, and its chocolate, particularly pralines (filled chocolates).