Nonprofit corporation/Bibliography

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(1986). 1986 revised Model Nonprofit Corporation Act : exposure draft. Chicago, Ill. (750 N. Lake Shore Dr., Chicago 60611): The Association.
(2003). How to begin and maintain a nonprofit corporation in the state of North Dakota. Bismarck, ND: Secretary of State.
(2006). Pennsylvania laws governing business entities annotated. Wilmington, De.: LexisNexis for Corporation Service Company.
Boyd, W. L. (2017). Nonprofit law : a practical guide to legal issues for nonprofit organizations. Chicago, Illinois: American Bar Association, Business Law Section.
Boyd, W. L. (2017). Nonprofit law : a practical guide to legal issues for nonprofit organizations. Chicago, Illinois: American Bar Association, Business Law Section.
Clark, W. H. (2009). Model nonprofit corporation act : official text with official comments and statutory cross-references adopted August 2008 (3rd ed. ed.). Chicago: ABA Section of Business Law.
Kelly, J. J. (2018). Drafting organizational documents. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.
Kelly, J. J. (2018). Drafting organizational documents. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.
Kirschten, B. L. (1990). Nonprofit corporation forms handbook. New York, N.Y. [Eagan, MN]: Clark Boardman Co. Thomson Reuters [West].
Kirschten, B. L. (1990). Nonprofit corporation forms handbook. New York, N.Y. [Eagan, MN]: Clark Boardman Co. Thomson Reuters [West].
Mackie, S. A. (1995). How to form a nonprofit corporation in Florida : with forms (3rd ed. ed. Vol. Take the law into your own hands Self-help law kit). Clearwater, FL: Sphinx Pub.
Mancuso, A. (1994). How to form a nonprofit corporation. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press.
Mancuso, A., & Repa, B. K. (1995). The California nonprofit corporation handbook (7th ed. ed.). Berkeley: Nolo Press.
Mancuso, A. (1999). How to form a nonprofit corporation in California. Berkeley, CA: Nolo Press.
Mancuso, A. (2009). The California nonprofit corporation kit (7th ed. ed.). Berkeley, Calif.: Nolo.
Mancuso, A. (2011). Nonprofit meetings, minutes & records : how to run your nonprofit corporation so you don’t run into trouble (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA: Nolo.
Marx, F. J. (1990). How to incorporate and counsel a nonprofit corporation. Boston, MA (20 West St., Boston 02111): Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education.
Overton, G. W., & Frey, J. C. (2002). Guidebook for directors of nonprofit corporations (2nd ed.). Chicago, Ill.: American Bar Association, Section of Business Law.
Pontius, K. E. (1990). The new Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act: reporter’s notes. [St. Paul, Minn.]: Minnesota Senate, Senate Counsel & Research.
Warda, M. (2007). The complete nonprofit corporation kit (1st ed.). Naperville, Ill.: Sphinx Legal.