The rotating wave approximation is frequently used in quantum optics, usually to simplify problems involving lasers interacting with atoms.
The typical situation involves a coherent (classical) laser light field of frequency
and a two-level atom with resonant frequency
Since little will happen if the laser is not near resonance, the interesting case is when
In this case, terms with the sum frequency
are discarded under the rotating wave approximation because they oscillate much more quickly than terms with the difference frequency
which is approximately zero.
Note that
is by definition the detuning of the laser field with respect to the atomic transition.
The name of the approximation stems from the fact that we switch to the interaction picture where terms oscillating at the frequencies
arise in the Hamiltonian.
By transforming to this picture the evolution of the atom due to the corresponding atomic Hamiltonian is absorbed into the system ket, leaving only the evolution due to the interaction of the atom with the light field to consider.
Since it is in this picture that the rapidly-oscillating terms mentioned previously can be neglected, and in some sense the interaction picture can be thought of as rotating with the system ket, only that part of the electromagnetic wave that approximately co-rotates is kept; the counter-rotating component is discarded.
Mathematical formulation
For simplicity consider a two-level atomic system with excited and ground states
respectively (using the Dirac bracket notation). Let the energy difference between the states be
so that
is the transition frequency of the system. Then the unperturbed Hamiltonian of the atom can be written as

Suppose the atom is placed at
in an external (classical) electric field of frequency
, given by
(so that the field contains both positive- and negative-frequency modes in general). Then under the dipole approximation the interaction Hamiltonian can be expressed as

is the dipole moment operator of the atom. The total Hamiltonian for the atom-light system is therefore
The atom does not have a dipole moment when it is in an energy eigenstate, so
This means that defining
allows the dipole operator to be written as

(with `H.c.' denoting the Hermitean conjugate). The interaction Hamiltonian can then be shown to be (see the Derivations section below)

is the Rabi frequency and
is the counter-rotating frequency. To see why the
terms are called `counter-rotating' consider a unitary transformation to the interaction or Dirac picture where the transformed Hamiltonian
is given by

Making the approximation
This is the point at which the rotating wave approximation is made. The dipole approximation has been assumed, and for this to remain valid the electric field must be near resonance with the atomic transition. This means that
and the complex exponentials multiplying
can be considered to be rapidly oscillating. Hence on any appreciable time scale the oscillations will quickly average to 0. The rotating wave approximation is thus the claim that these terms are negligible and the Hamiltonian can be written in the interaction picture as

Finally, in the Schrödinger picture the Hamiltonian is given by

At this point the rotating wave approximation is complete. A common first step beyond this is to remove the remaining time dependence in the Hamiltonian via another unitary transformation.
Given the above definitions the interaction Hamiltonian is

as stated. The next stage is to find the Hamiltonian in the interaction picture,
The unitary operator required for the transformation is
and an arbitrary state
transforms to
The Schrödinger equation must still hold in this new picture, so

where a dot denotes the time derivative. This shows that the new Hamiltonian is given by

The penultimate equality can be easily seen from the series expansion of the exponential map, and the fact that
for i and j each equal to e or g (and
the Kronecker delta).
The final step is to transform the approximate Hamiltonian back to the Schrödinger picture. The first line of the previous calculation shows that
so in the same manner as the last calculation,

The atomic Hamiltonian was unaffected by the approximation, so the total Hamiltonian in the Schrödinger picture under the rotating wave approximation is